Over the lifecycle of a SAP project, resources with SAP expertise are onboarded who work in the project and eventually are offboarded once their role ends. The resource planning is a crucial component of the project planning. It determines whether the project will have enough human resources to work at any given point of time.

Following are key aspects –
1. Identify the skill set for different roles and map the available resources according to skill and experience.
2. Onboard the resource formally. Ensure governance outline by Client is properly followed.
Seggregate the resources into teams based on skill set and identify the leadership in each group. Cross functional teams are needed in Agile teams.
3. If there is a skill-set gap, ensure that the resource have the support – mentor, training, online literature – to cover the deficit.
4. Assign tasks to the resources/teams and closely monitor the progress. Usually, this is an iterative and progressive process. Assessment of the performance is critical to ensure growth at both team and individual level.
5. Project expenses pertaining to the resources needs to be closely assessed continously throughout the lifecycle of the project.
6. Change management and knowledge management should be planned as well. Transition phase usually involves conversations with stakeholder, knowledge transfer, handover documentation etc.
7. Offboarding of resources is done in phases to ensure smooth rampdown and governance is followed to avoid any legal issues.
